C::ncrete Labs

Intro Text Create complex modulations by mixing up to three modulation sources from other Max For Live devices like LFOs and Envelope Followers.

Modulation Mixer

Create complex modulations by mixing up to three modulation sources from other Max For Live devices like LFO, Shaper and Envelope Follower.

Trigger Notes

Trigger MIDI notes from an incoming control signal in four different ways.

Demo video:

Modulation Mixer

Modulation Sequencer


Modulation MixerModulation SequencerNotes
SlicerMidi ClockSustain
Simpler ADSRShaper with MorphingAutomationToNotesSequence
Repeat TimeMulti(Audio|Midi)ClipGroupmwm.fugue machine aka fuego
mwm.MidiClipContortMIDI CLIP ControlStep Sequencer for Clips
Voice Rotation RackSession Capture FREE and PROvariations = “AVX Mode”!!!!
InstrumentRackTool – “Groups into Tracks”Sends DeviceDEXED PERFORMANCE CONTROL
Slicencer – das zeitblom dingMUTE for LFO + EnvFol + ShaperLoop on Timeline device
Skip TimeNote Echo with MPE capabilityMixer Control
Sixteen Macros 2020 EditionLinked TracksPerformanceBCRMapper
Simpler warp parameters Device ausbauen